Why diversity and inclusion must make a meaningful difference
Diversity and inclusion is about much more than delivering on targets
24 January 2022
I’m delighted by the increasing momentum evident in the development of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in financial services and the automotive sector. However, there is much work still to be done. Achieving a lasting, authentic transformation will primarily centre upon cultural change within businesses. What it should not be is a box-ticking exercise.
At the heart of D&I is the principle that it is the right thing to do from every angle, serving the increasingly diverse needs of those we serve and the people in our businesses.
The importance of a positive, authentic approach to D&I
Calls for social justice should be recognised as a trigger point for positive change in D&I that goes beyond the type of policies and training often centred on compliance with anti-discrimination regulation. The calls for positive change from people of all demographics underline the widespread support for a transformative approach to delivering fairness. As with everything, change comes from a committed leadership approach.
I don’t see my membership of the Automotive 30% Club as symbolic; the aim of filling at least 30% of key leadership positions in MotoNovo with diverse women by 2030 is something to which I am committed. To this end, our Inspiring Future Female Leaders Network continues to grow and is not restricted to women.
On 3 February we will once again be promoting and taking part in ‘Time to Talk Day’, the UK’s biggest mental health conversation. We have seen over almost three years the impact of the pandemic on peoples’ mental health. As an employer, we can and have helped to support colleagues and break the stigma attached to it. It is a shame that it took the pandemic to recognise this need.
These are just two of a broad range of actions to champion D&I and its value. Regardless of ethnicity and race, gender identity and sexual orientation, disability, age, religion and more, we aim to ensure that D&I becomes business as usual.
Our early steps to create a meaningful D&I ethos have already demonstrated their value. The diversity of our team is increasing and in areas such as recruitment, product development and reputation, the benefits are evident. Ultimately, we believe that doing the right thing in D&I will be good for the bottom line.
D&I & our stakeholders
My aim in this article is to share our experience to date. Embracing D&I has been a positive force. It is especially true as we build and equip our team for what we hope will be a post-pandemic world.
Almost three years ago, I saw it written that there were five years of change in the first eight weeks of the pandemic. It may have been referencing digitisation, but in truth, social change has accelerated as well. By embracing D&I at MotoNovo, we aim to embrace social change in the broader environment. By doing so, we hope to be relevant and welcoming to all.
By Karl Werner, MotoNovo CEO