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Don’t just sit back and enjoy the used profits rolling in

While the sun is shining it is the time to mend the roof says ASE’s Mark Fennelly

The current time of used profitability and high demand for vehicles is one that shouldn’t be wasted, says Mark Fennelly, ASE’s head of ASE global consulting.

“While the sun is shining it is the time to mend the roof,” he says. “It is that peak and trough process and it applies across industries and people. Your life is at ease when your boss isn’t giving you a hard time. It doesn’t make it better, it makes it easier

“People accepted the working from home culture and now people are being asked to come back – we are here because of a situation not a strategy and we need to change that.

“People don’t like change so they become accustomed to becomes their new normal.

“You need to constantly look at yourself and your area of the business and ask if you are maximising the opportunity or is the opportunity maximising your business? If you are not then you become a passenger. It is down to each manager and individual to do that. It is always about people, they are our biggest cost and opportunity.”