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Don’t just sit back and enjoy the used profits rolling in

10 Dec 2021

The current time of used profitability and high demand for vehicles is one that shouldn’t be wasted, says Mark Fennelly, ASE’s head of ASE global consulting. “While the sun is shining it is the time to mend the roof,” he says. “It is that peak and trough process and it applies across industries and people. […]

Tips from two of the best sales execs in the business

10 Dec 2021

Ruth Bowie and Sam Street were named two of the top three best sales employees in 2020. The VW employees gave their tips for success. Have a personal checklist Both Ruth and Sam have been through VW’s training and but both have their own elements they bring to the early stages of interaction with a […]

Four things sales staff should never do

10 Dec 2021

For as long as most of us can remember, every dealership and dealer group has had its own sales process and dealership practices that would be drilled into every new starter. Most of them have been heavily based on the Pendle system, and there’s no doubt they worked. The problem is the world has moved […]


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