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Why lead response times are crucial for taking potential customers away from your rivals

Lockdown taught some retailers the importance of focusing on the basics and ensuring they were perfected – Stoneacre Volvo brought its average response times down drastically and has embedded the

Automotive retail expert Mike Jones says that this is an example that sales teams should look to emulate or beat, as the danger to your business is clear.

“They are now setting the benchmark. If you have a customer and Stoneacre are coming in in four to eight minutes, how long are you taking? Do you know? Who is responsible – by the time you get back Stoneacre could have taken them out the market,” he says.

“Managers should know what response times are. They should always monitor responses to phone leads.”

He adds that there can be a degree of competition introduced to encourage a swift response.

“You can gamify the incentive as to who hits the fastest lead times,” he says. “Providing you are using a responsible lead management software it should track times.”

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