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Finding the EV technicians of the future

Does the shortage of technicians mean workshops are under prepared for the rise of EVs? We examine the questions facing the industry.

According to the latest Barometer survey, recruitment is one of the main causes for concern and one of the biggest challenges facing the automotive retailing industry.

The situation could well be further complicated by the recent rise in electric vehicle sales, with battery electric vehicles up by 138.7% for the first half of 2021 versus the previous year, with diesel down by 21.7% in the same period.

What’s the situation as it stands?

As Perry’s commercial director Ken Savage says: “Through furlough it seems that a lot of people examined their lives and their careers and what they wanted, and a lot of those people haven’t come back into the business. They’ve left the sector to do something different. So, the economy is buoyant, but we’re struggling to find people.”

Sue Robinson, NFDA chief executive, says: “There is a shortage of technicians in the industry in general, as a result, there will also be a shortage of EV technicians as EV training will follow on from traditional ICE Level 3 apprenticeships and training already in place. High voltage/EV training is most likely undertaken over and above a normal apprenticeship and is generally available through manufacturers and other training providers”.

Guy Liddall of Motor Trade Selection says that the requirement to retrain existing technicians is adding to the complications, saying: “The thing currently in the industry is that pretty much all EV techs are retrained existing technicians so they already understand cars and car software.” This then only adds to the shortage of technicians in general, he points out.

“It’s a bit of a perfect storm. We are sitting in the midst of an industry changing to EVs quicker than they thought with a labour market that has been disrupted by Covid and that testing different industries by furlough and then you need to get these guys trained for two weeks on residential courses.

My view is that organisations need to look at the levels that techs are being paid and rewarded and the conditions in which they work,” he adds. “I don’t think pay has moved much over the last five years.”

What should retailers who need more EV techs do – recruit or retrain?

“Automotive retailers are always looking to recruit technicians,” says Sue Robinson. “The phase-out of ICE vehicles is still far enough away to attract new talent through existing apprenticeship standards. The changing skills of the workforce, the difference in technology and route to market are all things that can be used to highlight the exciting nature of our industry and to attract new talent.”

There certainly are plenty of highly qualified people still within the industry, according to the findings of the Barometer survey, but retailers looking to recruit are increasingly finding that those people tend to want to stay where they are. So, as well as the numbers of people leaving the industry, the lack of new people coming in is a concern.

Are there other industries that can be looked at as potential talent pools?

“Traditional routes to employ technicians need to be expanded to different demographics and people outside of the normal talent pool, to promote diversity and continue to move the industry forward,” says Sue Robinson. “Utilising schemes such as NFDA’s Drive My Career, which offers advice and guidance to the routes into automotive retail and promotes all its exciting elements, provides much needed insight and data in order to attract the next generation of techs.”

“From the people I have spoken to they are training new techs, they don’t feel it is appropriate to bring from other industries,” says Guy Liddall. “These are big power units [in electric cars] compared to other things that are out there. Not many people work on 660V or so.”

He goes on to say that outside recruitment might attract those who have worked on farm vehicles or HGVs, but all are from a technical background.

Sue Robinson agrees, saying: “There could be routes into EV technician roles in the future from various engineering/practical electronics routes. However, the prohibitive factor becomes the requirement for a structured, robust, and comprehensive apprenticeship/training to work on the full suite of mechanics and technology in a motor vehicle. It is not just a battery and motor on wheels.

“New connected and autonomous technologies still link to mechanical components, they are complicated machines. This could then act as a barrier to entry for people with existing careers looking to make a switch as the apprenticeship compensation may not meet their expectations”.

What should you look for in an EV recruit?

“If specifically employing someone into an EV led role, the focus at this point in time concerns EV advocacy and a genuine interest in the changing technology and decarbonisation plans,” says Sue Robinson.

David Rye, managing director at Premier Motors took an optimistic view when looking at the future of the industry when responding to the Barometer survey, wondering if the problem might ease as we transition further to the electric future. “Then the sector will be seen as cleaner and more technical, which might be more appealing.”

Sue Robinson says that there is a need to maintain a balance in the future to avoid the problem switching the other way, where we have enough EV techs and not enough ICE specialists.

“It will be important to maintain a balanced approach to avoid precluding formalised training on ICE vehicles and ensure that dealers are equipped to meet their customers’ aftersales needs”.


  • Review technicians pay – are you more attractive an employer than the alternatives?
  • Use apprenticeship schemes now to allay future problems
  • Prioritise technical ability
  • Highlight the future opportunities when recruiting now